GOhack24 - Symposium, bug bounty challenge & EDU program


Find out how other companies are using crowd-based solutions to improve their security and protect themselves against cybercrime.

Unique: Flexible Bug Bounty Program for high security in the financial sector

The Swiss startup Unique, specializing in generative AI solutions for the financial industry, has adopted a flexible Bug Bounty program to meet the stringent demands of security and compliance. With support from GObugfree, Unique can quickly adjust the scope of its security assessments, ensuring reliable protection of highly sensitive banking data. This approach allows the company to maintain its rapid development pace while meeting the requirements of FINMA regulations and ISO 27001.

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Threema: Outsourcing bug bounty to focus on product development

The maker of the well-known secure Swiss messenger, Threema GmbH, works with GObugfree to secure Threema and Threema Work. Threema invites trustworthy etchical hackers and experienced IT security experts to test its open-source products and pays up to CHF 10,000 for critical security vulnerabilities.

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Transa: Ensuring a secure online shop

Transa Backpacking AG has been a leading Swiss supplier of high-quality travel and outdoor equipment for over 40 years. As an e-commerce provider, security is of great importance to Transa. To have the Transa online shop tested by external security researchers, Transa opted for a GObugtest from GObugfree.

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SNSF: Protecting sensitive data with bug bounty

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) not only funds thousands of research projects across all scientific disciplines but also leads the way in securing sensitive data. The SNSF’s bug bounty program enhances the cybersecurity of its portals and makes a crucial contribution to data security.

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Maestrani: External risk assessment

Maestrani Schweizer Schokoladen AG is a traditional Swiss family business. The company is committed to continuously improving the security and performance of its website and online shop. Existing security measures include phishing training and a crisis management process in the event of attacks. Maestrani wanted an objective external review of its outsourced IT systems and therefore decided to use a GObugtest, in which external security experts check the webshop and web domains for potential vulnerabilities.

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netplus: Bug bounty for security across the entire lifecycle

netplus.ch SA is a leading telecommunications service provider in French-speaking Switzerland, providing over 220,000 customers with high-quality internet, telephone, mobile and television services. To take proactive measures, netplus decided to implement a bug bounty program with GObugfree to expand its workforce and strengthen its security with the help of ethical hackers.

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watosoft: Bug bounty for continuous security

Since 1998, WATO-SOFT AG has specialized in Enterprise Resource System (ERP) solutions that cover the entire value chain and require access to sensitive data. After a pentest, Wato-Soft introduced continuous security checks and a bug bounty pilot program to ensure better data protection.

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