GOhack24 - Symposium, bug bounty challenge & EDU program

Not cracked yet - fidentity Liveness Challenge prize money still up for grabs

On Nov 3-4, 2022, during 36 hours, more than 100 Friendly Hackers tried to bypass the artificial intelligence of the fidentity system. The system's not been cracked yet.


An interesting challenge has come to an end. During 36 hours, more than 100 Friendly Hackers tried to bypass the artificial intelligence of the fidentity system. There were interesting ideas which show promise of success, but so far no one was able to outsmart the liveness check.

We are excited about the results, which underline the robustness of fidentity’s AI system and controls. But we don’t want to stop here!

That's why the challenge is being moved into the regular fidentity bug bounty program. The first person who can reproducibly bypass the liveness check with one of the challenge’s four targets will receive the first prize reward of CHF 4’000.

Try now!

Thank you to everyone who participated. As promised, swag will be sent to everyone who submitted a valid finding. Now that you’re warmed up, keep going! We look forward to your continued efforts in the expanded scope of the fidentity program!