Security thanks to a structured reporting process with your free GOvdp


In our GOLearn webinar series, we discuss relevant cyber security topics with experts. See what's coming up and watch recordings of past sessions.

Upcoming Webinars

We are planning the next sessions. In the meantime, check out some of our past recordings, below.

Past Webinars

May 28, 2024
GOLearn - Securing Trust: Ethical hacking & background checks explained


Watch recording

April 16, 2024
GOLearn - Empowering Enterprise Security Risk Management


Watch recording

GOLearn June 2023: Vulnerability Management: Identity & Access Management im Fokus (in German)
Klaus Hild, Principal Identity Strategist at Sailpoint


Watch recording

GOLearn May 2023: Navigating the cyber threat landscape Actionable Insights for your business
Jörg Schauff, VP Threat Advisory at QuoIntelligence

May-2023-Joerg-Schauff (1).jpg

Watch recording

GOLearn April 2023: Vulnerability Disclosure Programm Viele kleine Schritte machen den Unterschied (in German)
Urs E. Gattiker, Ph.D., CEO bei CyTRAP Labs


Watch recording (DE)

GOLearn March 2023: Cloud Security & Bug Bounty - Multi-Cloud = Multi-Risk? (in German)
Andreas Schneider, Field CISO EMEA Lacework


Watch recording (DE)