Connector and Facilitator: Christoph Lanter Builds Bridges Between Technology and Business
Christoph Lanter is the newest member of GObugfree’s Advisory Board. With a passion for connecting people, companies, and ideas, the entrepreneur from Weinfelden brings a remarkable mix of experience and networking expertise to the table. In this interview, he discusses the challenges SMEs face in cybersecurity and why it’s critical for businesses of all sizes to invest in digital security today.

Christoph, you describe yourself as a “connector.” What fascinates you about bringing people, companies, and ideas together?
I’m always fascinated by what can happen when the "right" people or companies work together on an idea with a shared vision.
You’ve helped many companies establish their online presence in the past. Do you see parallels between the initial skepticism about the internet and today’s attitudes toward cybersecurity and ethical hacking?
Back then, the topic of “having an online presence” was already on everyone’s radar. Today, it’s “IT security.” Even for me, it was new to realize how ethical hacking could take security to the next level. The idea of motivated specialists testing systems to improve security makes perfect sense, and I believe many businesses could benefit from this. However, it’s still a very niche topic, and I’m happy to act as an “ambassador” and share tips and tricks to improve communication around it.
As a board member, I’m acutely aware that cybersecurity is now one of the biggest business risks companies face. Yet, many SMEs still lack awareness, which is reflected in their reluctance to invest in cybersecurity.
As a board member in various companies, what challenges do you see specifically for SMEs in the field of cybersecurity?
As a board member, I’m acutely aware that cybersecurity is now one of the biggest business risks companies face. Yet, many SMEs still lack awareness, which is reflected in their reluctance to invest in cybersecurity. It’s often seen as a “cost factor,” even though the consequences of a successful cyberattack can be devastating for a small business. Many SMEs assume, “It won’t happen to us—we’re not interesting targets for cybercriminals.” But that’s a misconception: anyone can become a target.
Investing in digital security is essential for SMEs to protect their businesses. GObugfree offers solutions tailored specifically to smaller companies, enabling them to improve their security processes step by step.
Why is it especially important for smaller businesses to invest in cybersecurity, and how can GObugfree’s solutions help them build and improve their security processes?
Investing in digital security is essential for SMEs to protect their businesses. GObugfree offers solutions tailored specifically to smaller companies, enabling them to improve their security processes step by step. Starting with an attack surface analysis followed by a practical community bug test, businesses can begin integrating ethical hacking into their security strategy and continuously enhance their defenses.
You’ve organized many conferences and events. GObugfree hosts the annual GOhack. In your opinion, what is the biggest benefit of events like GOhack for businesses and the cybersecurity community?
GOhack is an excellent opportunity to bring together people from diverse fields—from IT experts to CEOs. It’s about making cybersecurity accessible, not just for ethical hackers but also for companies that may have little experience in this area. For SMEs, in particular, it’s a valuable chance to learn more about bug bounty programs, exchange ideas with other companies that already use them, and address their own concerns and fears. I’m excited to help further develop GOhack with my experience.
Finally, Christoph, you’re joining an already diverse Advisory Board at GObugfree. What perspective do you bring to the table that complements the Board?
I bring a mix of curiosity and a vast network. I enjoy asking questions and challenging how a product can be positioned for a “broader” audience that may have never heard of ethical hacking. I also have firsthand experience in building a company from the ground up.
GObugfree has a fantastic platform for enhancing the cyber resilience of businesses, and I think it’s crucial to continue fostering dialogue around this—especially for smaller companies that may not yet realize how vital cybersecurity is and how achievable it can be with a modest investment.