placeB AG operates various services (platforms, services). But only services from explicitly listed domains / URLs are in the scope of the Vulnerability Disclosure Policy. All other domains or explicitly listed services are therefore not eligible for reward and do not fall under the Legal Safe Harbor Agreement.
By participating in this program, security researchers undertake to document information about any vulnerability found exclusively via the platform's designated reporting form and not in any other places. They also agree to keep the found vulnerability secret after reporting it on the platform. Finally, they undertake to upload to the platform any data from customers that they have obtained as part of the test and to delete any local copies afterwards and not to distribute them further.
Please note: This is a Vulnerability Disclosure Program, no bug bounties are paid out.
In participating in the program, security researchers agree not to use methods that would adversely affect the tested applications or their users. These include:
In addition to the prohibited hacking methods listed above, security researchers are required to immediately discontinue vulnerability scanning if they determine that their conduct will result in a significant degradation (negative impact on regular users or on the operations team) of the Platform's or Service's operations.
Parts of placeB's service are a physical product.
If security researchers notice that a door has been opened, they are required to report it immediately. To minimize possible damage, only these API endpoints are allowed for the doors:
All other endpoints may be tested regardless of the Id.
If your run tests append vdp-placeb-ag-nQXAJAvc to the User-Agent
Security researchers are allowed to create new users for testing.
Any design or implementation problem can be reported that is reproducible and affects security.
Typical examples:
Other examples:
The following vulnerabilities and forms of documentation are generally not wanted:
Not in scope: All (sub) domains and services that are not explicitly listed, are not in scope
In scope::
Website with booking, checkout and payment process. Friendly hackers are allowed to create new users or book a storage room for testing (in compliance with the rules of section "Rules - Creating users and booking a storage room")
Backend server (in compliance with the rules of section "Rules - Physical Part")
IOT Gateway Server
Android App to manage bookings, account and accessing the storage room. Google Play Store
iOS App to manage bookings, account and accessing the storage room. App Store
placeB AG gives their approval for security researchers to use hacking methods based on the specified briefing. Due to this consent, the criminal liability criterion of unauthorized obtaining/unauthorized use and thus the criminal liability of the security researchers with regard to the criminal offenses in Art. 143 Swiss Criminal Code (Unauthorised obtaining of data) and Art. 143bis Swiss Criminal Code (Unauthorised access to a data processing system) does not apply.